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Supporting Nurses And Midwives in the UK and Cameroon

We recognise outstanding nurses and midwives. Celebrate excellence in the field with us as we honor their remarkable contributions.

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Supporting Nursing diversity embracing inclusivity and equity

Assisting Nurses and Midwives in the UK and Cameroon. Embracing nursing diversity through inclusivity and equity. We acknowledge exceptional nurses and midwives, joining us in celebrating their outstanding contributions to the field.

Cameroon Nurses And Midwives
Association UK for Download

Nurturing Care

We recognize outstanding nurses and midwives. Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametsor sectetur duisis amet.

Inspiring Change

We recognize outstanding nurses and midwives. Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametsor sectetur duisis amet.

Equality in Healthcare

We recognize outstanding nurses and midwives. Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametsor sectetur duisis amet.

Members Working Endlessly
During Pandemic

Learn how nurses and midwives are driving efforts to enhance maternal and child health outcomes in the UK and Cameroon, making a positive impact on future generations. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectet. Duis quis amet nunc vulputate dolor ligula velit nulla faucibus donec pellentesque massa mi. Aliquam in fusce semper aliquam star mauris sodales element.

Upcoming News/Events

To view each events detail, please click on the event title.

Global Healthcare Heroes - Strengthening Nursing and Midwifery in the UK and Cameroon

Our Partners & Sponsors

Become part of our team? Apply for opportunities

We the Cameroonian Nurses and Midwives Association in UK will like to help small humanitarian projects either in the UK or back in Cameroon as part of our humanitarian agenda as health care professionals. We have put together some guidelines and criteria for the projects we can sponsor. If you will like us to consider your project please visit the link below and complete an application form.

All applications submitted will be consider carefully by the group and a final decision made at the group’s annual general meeting (AGM) which takes place yearly in November. A decision about your project will be communicated via email to you after our AGM.

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